Love Poured Out: House of the Lord Forever

In this season of Thanksgiving, we are so deeply thankful for you, our church family; for your unfailing love, your generous hearts, and your wide-open arms embracing all who want to find a church home at FUMC Denton! You are a church that passionately seeks to embody God’s love, mercy and justice in all its life together, and apart. This Sunday is an extra special gathering of all four of our worshipping communities, at one hour (11:00) in the sanctuary. Members and guests from Mosaic, Open, Jesus Fuente de Vida, and our Sanctuary Service will worship, pray, and sing together as we explore the final words of the 23rd Psalm, “And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” What is the Lord’s house and why does it matter?


Do Not Be Afraid: Hope


Love Poured Out: Surely Goodness, Surely Mercy