Origin Stories: A Promise for All

As we continue our Origin Stories worship series this Sunday, we will journey through the story of Abraham – a narrative that forms the very foundation of our faith and speaks volumes about who we are as God’s people. We will delve into the significance of Abraham's journey and how it reflects God's desire to work through us, followers of the way of Jesus.

Abraham's story highlights an essential aspect of God's character – God’s desire to bless all people. We will explore how Abraham's faith and obedience led to blessings beyond measure, a testament to God's goodness and grace. But also that these blessings were never intended for Abraham alone. Instead, they were bestowed upon him so that he could become a conduit of blessings to others.

*We are still working to correct internet outages with our service provider, but in the meantime, we are recording services and posting them as soon as we can.*


Origin Stories: Wandering God Wrestler


Origin Stories: A Rhythm of Grace