New Year’s Eve Combined Worship

The youth ministry is spending the year on this question: What Moves You? Paul had a goal, to know Jesus and know him fully. It was worth setting other things aside to pursue, it was a struggle, but it was worth the work.

What are our goals? What are we moved to pursue regardless of what we have to go through to get there? What is it that engages not just our minds, but our hearts?

I don’t know how your 2023 was, but it was a good year for our youth ministry. We have an energy and a fellowship that leaves me both tired and thrilled as I head home every Sunday evening. We’ve been talking about goals and what to do to achieve them. We want to be closer to each other and closer followers of Jesus as we go through this school year. I want the same thing for you and yours in 2024.

Come worship with us on December 31 at 11am the Sanctuary. It will be great fellowship in a relaxed atmosphere and best of all, God will be with us.


Called Out: Epiphany


Christmas Eve: Do Not Be Afraid