Video Resources

A Conversation on Racial Justice: A frank conversation on the root causes of racial injustice in the U.S. 

Let’s Get to the Root of Racial Injustice: Megan Francis traces the root causes of our current racial climate to a complex social problem. 


White Men: Time to Discover Your Cultural Blind Spots: Welp speaks to his own experience becoming conscious of his white male culture, bias, and privilege as key tools to effective partnership across differences 

Equity and Equality:
 part of the University of Maine's Rising Tide Center and its 5-Minute Professional Development Series: The Current. 


Let’s Stop Talking About Diversity and Start Working Toward Equity: Paloma Medina challenges our paradigm of diversity in the work place and in society with this eloquent, humorous talk. We need to do a “find and replace” in our vocabulary challenging the concept of diversity vs. equity. 

Rethinking Diversity: Why We Need Equity to Stop Oppression: Diversity helps to improve our thinking and outcomes, but diversity alone is not enough. It takes equity to stop oppression. In her powerful talk, Dr. Martin explores new ways of reducing our unconscious bias and understanding the forms of oppression we experience today. 


Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo: Dr. Robin DiAngelo has been an anti-racist educator, and has heard justifications of racism by white people in her workshops for over two decades. “White fragility,” is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.

Ta-Nehisi Coates on Discussing Racism Directly, Honestly: How should the U.S. address problems of violent policing? As a nation, we may be asking the police to do certain things that they shouldn't, says Ta-Nehisi Coates. The Atlantic correspondent offers his Brief But Spectacular take on the legacy of white supremacy in America today. 


On America’s Racial Terrorism, ‘Our Silence Has Condemned Us’: Bryan Stevenson, executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, offers his Brief but Spectacular take on race and justice in America. 

Meaningful Conversations About Race: Dr. David Anderson Hooker This video is part of the series Vital Conversations 1: Realities of Race and Racism. Find other videos here.


"Know My Truth" by Alyssa Underwood: a powerful story of indigenous peoples, who have infinite value and worth. It's time to change the narrative.