Love Poured Out: My Cup Overflows

This Sunday, we have a chance to respond generously to the love of God and the invitation to support the work of God through our church. We’ve been asking, “God, where do you want me to be in my giving?” Generosity is about our own spiritual journey and our lives of discipleship as it is expressed through the sharing and giving of our gifts. My hope and prayer for each of you through this entire process has been that you will pray for God’s direction and listen with open hearts and open minds and respond with open hands. When we do, I am confident many more will find an open door and a welcoming community where they can follow Christ and know and grow in the love of God — together. Together, God can do great things through our generosity.


Love Poured Out: Surely Goodness, Surely Mercy


Love Poured Out: The Lord Is My Shepherd