Origin Stories: A Very Good Creation Story

It’s a time for new beginnings! Summer vacations are winding down and children, along with their teachers are returning to school. Fall is nearly here! As the seasons change, we are given the opportunity to fall into a rhythm of worship. Gathering as a church gives us the chance to remember who we are, why we need each other and why God deserves our attention. Where but church are you and I reminded that we are beloved children of God, and that everyone deserves to be treated as such? Where else but church do we experience God’s presence in the gathered community? Where but church do we bless our children’s backpacks and come together with people of a shared faith for burgers and bluegrass? Where but church can we confide in a small group of diverse folk, our challenges and struggles, while receiving both grace and affirmation? This is just some of the “why” of church and you are wanted and needed by your church family. As the saying goes, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

We are launching a new worship series titled “Origin Stories.” We’ll be looking at the beginnings of our faith story to discover new ways to think about God, ourselves, creation, and God’s dream for all of it. We’ll discover our own origin story in the “original” origin story and in the journeys of key characters in the story of Israel. This Sunday we’ll begin with, “A Very Good Creation Story” (Genesis 1-2:4).


Origin Stories: God of the Dirt


The Lord’s Prayer