Wholehearted: Healing the Self

This Lent, we are gathering around some of the healing stories of Jesus. Beyond the miraculous, these stories are like the first green shoots emerging in the spring — signs of life and renewal that God is always working and will one day bring to full bloom. God created a very good world, crafted in wholeness and holistic interconnectivity. But life has a way of fragmenting that wholeness. We feel it in our communities, our relationships, and in ourselves. But the restoring, reconciling, renewing, resurrecting, all-things-new making God is it work bringing about that original wholeness in a fragmented world. And that is good news for any season, but especially Lent, as we seek to reflect and recommit to our part in God’s healing work. Join us this Sunday as we gather to with the God who is making new, and learn in Lent how we might experience and participate in that holistic healing ourselves.


Wholehearted: Healing the Community


Called Out: Fishermen